Sunday, May 4, 2014

Pull up a chair and sit by my Hearthstone

My free time this past week and a half has been spent playing Hearthstone. I've been playing off and on since my beta invite. It's quiet fun and easy to get lost into. Every deck is unique and you can play against a variety of people, each of their decks just as unique.

Currently I've been leveling my various decks to level 10. I let the ones I didn't like as much remain stagnant at level 2 or 3 with very few of their class specific cards. My husband has been kind enough to let me play against him and give me pointers when I could use them, but he also doesn't roll over and let me beat him.

I'm finally working on my last deck's basic cards and have found there are more than just the Rogue deck that are quite enjoyable to play. The Rogue had been my go to deck, but I've really enjoyed playing the Priest deck as well. All of them have their strengths and weaknesses and are more fun now that I have all the basic deck cards.

Lately though I've been irritated by minor interruptions that cause me to concede to my opponent. I don't like conceding if I can help it. I feel I should give it my all until they destroy me or I come from behind and beat the snot out of them! However, recently it feels like when I actually take a moment to sit down and play I get interrupted. If it was just my husband, he'd totally understand why I'm ignoring him and at the very least I can explain "hey I'm playing this game, then you can get my undivided attention". Sadly this is not the case when my father-in-law. I wont groan and complain to much about living in the basement suite of his home, but know this, you never really have complete privacy or advanced warning someone's coming to visit. Sigh, but that's a story for another time.

Anyways, enjoy a picture of me about to kick some butt with my Priest deck.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Easter Bunny Is A Nerd

So this Easter I decided that I wanted to decorate some eggs.

I don't have any kids to enjoy this stuff with at this time, but hey, I like any chance I can to be a little creative and fun.

Pictures below!

Happy Easter All.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Transmog Showcase: Mynerva

It's not a big secret that I'm a nut for transmogrification. Always looking for the next best piece to show off on one of my characters. Diving into the deepest dungeons, camping for hours to find that hard to find item that just completes the set.

Today I introduce you to my main character: Mynerva.

Race: Draenei
Class: Shaman
Specializations: Restoration / Elemental

Head: Crown of Destruction
Shoulders: Cataclysm Shouldergards
Chest: Engraved Breastplate
Waist: Engraved Girdle
Legs: Engraved Leggings
Feet: Engraved Boots
Hands: Battleforge Gauntlets
Weapon: Claw of the Black Drake
Off Hand: Dawnforged Defender

I really like this set. I wear it quiet a bit. It looks like very fire based and "elemental". Kicking ass and looking good doing it!

It's my hope to eventually build a set that encompasses water as it would embody my restoration specialization. My greatest challenge with that is finding an main hand weapon. I'm all about functionality. I use a fist weapon because it's the only thing I have right now in that slot, so therefore anything I transmog it to needs to be a fist weapon. I don't recall seeing many blue ones out there, but that's half the fun/challenge in making a set. Sadly my bank cries because it's loaded to the max with gear and odds and ends.  Seriously if it looks like a closet with everything stuffed to the brim! Watch the doors when you open them!